Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Beginning - To - Read- Resources

The Agents are both on a reading kick, and it is me that is struggling to keep up with them. Where do I find activities and age-appropriate reading materials?

Agent 004 is working through the Reading A-Z phonics program. I downloaded it for free during their trial week last spring, and from our experience would recommend it to other families. We supplement that with some word family work. She is most proud of her "Word Book" which lists every word that she can read. We are up to 47 words!

I have been writing some of her stories, but I am just not creative enough to make it all from scratch. That is when I refer to various sites online. This is what I have been visiting this week:

  • Hubbard's Cupboard : A free, comprehensive, Christian preschool curriculum. We used the Bible and Rhyme 3's Curriculum when the Agents were 2 and 4 years old. It covers the Bible, letters, numbers, colors, shapes, and anything else that a preschooler needs to know. We no longer use it as a curriculum, but we constantly integrate components including the sorting letters, playdough recipes and printable books.

  • Carl's Corner : Maintained by a retired elementary school Language Arts specialist, Carl's Corner is an amazing resource for reading resources. In particular, F uses the alphabet activitied and Agent 004 uses the Word Family activities.

  • Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots : Although this site's intended audience is elementary school teachers, mnay of the ideas are easily adaptable to the home. Our circle time activities are strongly influenced by her calendar page. Since I have a "multi-age" classroom, I plan on making each of the children a mini-office highlighting the areas that he or she is currently working on. I also get a lot of ideas fro Mrs. Meacham's literacy centers.
These Work for me. Do you have any more suggestions of resources for early reading instruction?


Fairion said...

Thank you for sharing these links. I am part of a preschool coop of homeschooling families and I just sent them your post. We will be checking out all your recommendations.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for these resources...I'm looking forward to checking them out. I'm also looking forward to reading more of your blog.

Anonymous said...

We already use (and love) things from Hubbard's Cupboard, but those other two are new to me. Thanks for the tip! I can't wait to explore them.

Anonymous said...

i very highly recommend it's only free for two weeks, but that two weeks is a big deal. my son knew all the letters and sounds and how they were supposed to go together, but it just didn't click for him. readingeggs made it click.