Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Hokey Pokey Monster

Agent 004 loves the Hokey Pokey -- You know that silly song that goes like this:

You put your left arm in
You take your left arm out
You put your left arm in
And shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about.
It goes on and on with various body parts being put in and taken out.

But 004 doesn't just sing this any old time; this is what she sings (and acts out) as she gets dressed. So she puts her left arm into her sleeve, takes it out, puts it back in, and then shakes it vigorously. She then does the toddler-bop with her shirt hanging off of one arm.

Of course, since she is Agent 004, she turns her elf around.

It is incredibly cute, but more than a little annoying that she will not don a single piece of clothing without singing a verse for each body part.

I guess that I should just be impressed that she is a two-year old that dresses herself. Or something like that.


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha...this is so cute!!

Garden State Kate said...

Too cute, my Princess was like that too!She can now be dressed and ready to go much quicker than her Dad and she is 4.5, she even wears "weather appropriate clothing.