As the new owner of a hand-me-down Kenmore sewing machine, I figured that I better learn how to sew.
After figuring out how to thread the bobbin and top thread, I wanted to make something.
Something real.
My long-term goal is to design and stitch my daughter's dresses, but for now I needed something simple to start with.
I searched the web for ideas and came across some simple tutorials for skirts, baby legs, and pants.
I started out, however, with a recycling project -- making mittens from a worn out sweater following this video tuturial.Two pairs later, however, I felt like a pro.
Pro enough to whip up a hat for our beloved robotic cat fom the scraps.
Okay, not quite a pro yet.
Anybody have any suggestions for how I can learn?
I think that all of those are great. The only thing I would say on learning is to practice, practice, practice. Oh and the library might have some books to teach you. At least some great ideas on what to make.
WOW! I am impressed. I couldn't get the thread in correctly on mine. Oi!
Bend The Rules Sewing is a good starter book, it has some great easy projects where you learn useful techniques.
Must say, as a starter project I would have used felt - easy to sew with, doesn't fray or 2nd best something made of cotton.
good luck with it, you will get there :o)
Congrats on trying your hand at sewing! I ,yself just became interested in sewing a little over a year ago. I have been teaching myself and still have lots to learn. For me, books were confusing. To make dresses for my daughter I actually took a simple dress she already owned and turned it inside out. I studied the stitching and then just did my best to replicate it. Practice, practice, practice..and remember, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!
If books work for you, stop by your library and stock up; but if you're more like me and need to see things in action, then You Tube is your friend. Search for "sewing" and you'll find some great video tutorials. I found one that for the first time made a blanket stitch make sense. Not a sewing machine thing, but still the principle is the same.
Good for you for taking the time and patience. I would love to learn one day but for now, I can't focus.
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