Saturday, March 31, 2007
Our own Private Park
The town park is just a short walk through the woods, and there is rarely anyone else on the back field. Mr warrilever and Agent 002 flew a kite while Agent 004 and I used the mini-batting machine. We may have a good softball player in the making.....
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
8:38 PM
Shamrocks and other Living Things
Since I manage to kill all plants, I hope that one of the kids has a green thumb.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
5:22 PM
Labels: Life in Rural Suburbia
He Really Said It
Agent 002:
Mama, when I grow up and become a man, can I plug in the vacuum and clean the floors every day?
Only in my dreams, buddy-boy.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
3:28 PM
Labels: The Agents in action
Saturday, March 24, 2007
It's Snowing Again
Just as it was beginning to feel like spring, it snows again.
And I am loving it.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
11:20 PM
Labels: Life in Rural Suburbia
I am Spider Man
You are Spider-Man
| You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
1:30 PM
Labels: Silliness
All is Well in the Universe
Our plumbing is fixed and I am receiving Flylady emails again.
I really am easy to please.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
8:29 AM
Labels: Life in Rural Suburbia
Friday, March 23, 2007
Knee Deep
...well not really knee deep, but the septic system is acting up.
What a way to waste an absolutely beautiful day.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
1:46 PM
Labels: Life in Rural Suburbia
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Mud Season is Here!
It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
The temperature reached 56 degrees today, which is near tropical in my book. I honestly did not know what to wear outside, so I settled on snow pants, boots, and a long sleeve t-shirt. Despite the heat, the agents wore snowsuits to stay dry, or at least that was the theory -- by the time we came in, they were both soaked anyway -- with a foot of snow on the ground as of this morning, our back yard is slowly becoming a pond, and even the best vinyl can't keep that out.
When we got outside, there was one small patch of ground visible on the south-facing slope. By the time we came in, though, there were two long strips of mud uncovered. Of course that was the result of children sliding down the hill on their backs......
We stayed outside for nearly two hours. It actually felt like summer for a while there.
In case any of you think that all is fun and games at the warillever house, I will tell you that the fun ended suddenly when one Agent's snowsuit got wet from the inside, if you catch my drift.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
3:52 PM
Labels: Life in Rural Suburbia
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
What we Look Like
Since I never post photos of our faces, and some of you don't know what we look like, I figured that it would be only fair to post some portraits.
Agent 004. Notice the "belly button" on her face | Here is Agent 002. He obviously needs a haircut | And here I am. I will never trim the eyebrows -- they are what makes me me. |
It is Still Winter
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
9:42 PM
Labels: Life in Rural Suburbia
E is for Elephant
The template is from First-School, and I pre-cut Agent 004's circles.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
9:36 PM
Labels: homepreschool
YahooGroups has had delivery problems for the past week or so, resulting in inconsistent service. At one point, I received only one message (a response to a message I had not received) in a 24 hour period. Yahoo has finally acknowledged the problem, but doesn't know when they will be able to resolve it.
Until then, I will not get to gab with the homepreschool gals. It is funny how people you have never met start to become part of your daily life. I guess that it is another case of not realizing how much you depend on something until it's gone.
For any of you reading this -- I hope to chat with you soon!
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
12:15 PM
Labels: Life in Rural Suburbia
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Scientific Method
We just filled three containers of snow.
We put one on the counter, one in the fridge, and one in the freezer.
What will happen?
Agent 002 says that they will melt.
I asked him if they would all be melted by dinnertime. His hypothesis is yes.
We shall see...
(btw -- we did counter/fridge/freezer instead of inside outside
because the temp differential is only a few degrees today -- it is 43
degrees outside, 51 inside. I hypothesize that the snow in our freezer will last longer than the snow in our backyard.)
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
1:48 PM
Labels: homepreschool
Friday, March 09, 2007
Gunky Goo
It feels like a solid, but then oozes out of your hand.
And makes a mess of the whole kitchen.
Fortunately one of my virtual pals taught me about "sock mopping," and Agent 002 willingly cleaned up after himself. I may have him clean more often -- the floor glistens! All I did was mix water and white vinegar in a pitcher, and pour it little by little onto the floor as Agent 002 skated around the kitchen in his socks.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
5:19 PM
Labels: The Agents in action
Rub a Dub Dub - Five Frogs in a Tub
My virtual pals(Heather, Yasmina) have been making boats with their kids this week. The Agents and I joined in on the fun.
Here is our boatIt is a ginger ale bottle with the top third cut off.
After playing for a while, and realizing that even a boat sinks if filled with water, we counted the bath frogs.
1 Little Froggy 2 Little Froggies
3 Little Froggies4 Little Froggies
5 Little Froggies
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
2:19 PM
Labels: homepreschool
Mom my Ride
HT: Summa Mamas
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
12:34 PM
Labels: Silliness
I took the plastic bag greenhouse off today.
The kids are still interested in watching them grow.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
12:17 PM
Labels: homepreschool
Flybabies Beware!
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
11:44 AM
Labels: homepreschool, Life in Rural Suburbia
Lots and Lots of Lots of Fun
...means no time to post.
I will try to write the posts, but if you just can't wait, check out our A, B, C, goo, and boat pictures already uploaded to Flicker.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
8:38 AM
Labels: homepreschool
Friday, March 02, 2007
Letter Playground
He took all of the Fridge Phonics letters, and placed them on the corresponding spot on our "alphabet train." He got a kick out of the way that the letters slid down the folds in the paper.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
9:50 AM
Labels: homepreschool, The Agents in action
Wecome Baby PJ!
Cousin F has a baby brother.
M&M are adopting sweet little, few-days-old PJ.
According to the pictures, he is gorgeous.
He pooped three times in the first ten minutes they knew him. Atta boy!
Can't wait to meet him -- M&M will be back in a few days.
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
9:22 AM
Labels: Family and Friends
Not a Snowday
It might be snowing, but "school" is on here at the warillever homestead.
The kids are on a learning kick, and I am going with it.
Thus far, we have formed letters out of construction paper, cut numbers out of grocery ads, and added crackers.
Dr. Seuss birthday festivities at the library if they open today.
Pictures to come. Of snow, kids, and "school."
Posted by
reprehriestless warillever
7:42 AM
Labels: homepreschool, The Agents in action